In this segment of our weekly series, Voices from the List, We ask Badia his thoughts on the U.S. and how it feels to be finally in this country after he had wanted to come for such a long time, as he says, since he was fifteen years old.  He admits that it is  a little later than he expected, but he is determined to make the most of it.  He thanks the List Project and the U.S. Army for giving him the opportunity to get out of harms way and come here:

TLP: You have been here about two months, what do you feel about America?

Badia:  “I am Happy, everything is O.K.  I hope the best for every American.”

TLP: You are looking for a job, right?

Badia: “Yeah, I’ve applied to places to be a part [of the]system. Insha’allah I will get the job soon.”

TLP:  What would you like to be doing?

Badia: “Anything, [to] help myself, my family and provide as much as I can to the country which opened its border to me and wants to make me a citizen in the future, so I try to serve this country.”

*Since we last spoke, Badia has found a job working part-time at a restaurant.  The pay is not great, but he realizes that many Iraqis like himself are going without work and have been for some time.  He is very hopeful about his future, and is determined to succeed and make a good life for himself and his family here in the United States.  We wish him the best of luck.

  • Published: 14 years ago on December 9, 2010
  • By:
  • Last Modified: December 9, 2010 @ 11:40 pm
  • Filed Under: Uncategorized


  1. Ken Crane says:

    Matt, thanks for that interview with Badia, pass my greetings to him and his parents—KC

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