Earlier today, the List Project was featured on NPR affiliate WBEZ Chicago’s Worldview.  TLP’s Executive Director Kirk Johnson talked about the United States’ moral responsibility to protect Iraqis in danger because of their work with the U.S.  When asked about the different government bureaucracies that are involved in the resettlement process, and the slow pace of the resettlement programs, he responded:

 the simple explanation behind all of this is that when we want to swiftly resettle high priority refugees we have done so…that will never happen if the White House isn’t invested. It’s just a simple division of powers thing, the State Department,  the Department of Homeland Security, those agencies that are responsible for refugee resettlement and vetting, those all fall under the executive branch, and so when they’re failing to perform, that reflects a lack of leadership by President Obama. It’s obvious that he hasn’t made this the priority that a lot of us thought he would.

Worldview also talked to a former Iraqi interpreter hiding in Iraq who is currently being helped by the List Project.  The frustration in his voice is evident as he describes his life there and the fear he lives under :

I’m  not exaggerating if I say that it’s a terrible life, especially when you live inside the house.  You can’t go out, you cant work, you can’t see your friends.  And at the same time you don’t want anyone to see you and know about you.


Please take a moment and check out the whole program here



  • Published: 13 years ago on August 26, 2011
  • By:
  • Last Modified: August 26, 2011 @ 5:15 pm
  • Filed Under: Uncategorized

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