The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs recently released a mid year review of its Regional Response Plan for Iraqi Refugees. Among its findings are the following:
The Iraqi refugees’ situation is becoming increasingly protracted. The overall conditions have not significantly improved in the first six months of 2011, while the needs and vulnerabilities have heightened. With the situation in Iraq still precarious,the humanitarian community does not expect the number of refugees to decrease significantly in the second half of 2011. Indeed, the number of families that have approached humanitarian agencies for assistance to return to Iraq remains extremely low.
The report states that those returning to Iraq are doing so on a conditional basis, reserving the option to return to the countries that they first fled to if conditions in Iraq worsen after U.S. withdrawal. OCHA also finds that there are a large number of refugees still fleeing Iraq due to threats and violence.
Regional Response Plan for Iraqi Refugees 2011 Mid Year Review – OCHA