In the coming weeks, you’ll begin to see some new voices here at TLP’s blog. We have invited several Iraqis who have successfully made it to the United States to begin sharing their experiences thus far (positive and negative!). They’ll be writing about what brought them to flee Iraq, what they thought life in America would be like, and how their time has gone.

I’ve also invited Ehab, a dear friend who was one of the first former Iraqi colleagues of mine from USAID to make it here. He has endured much to make it to America, including torture in a dismal Cairo cell, and no one would have faulted him for leaving the trauma of Iraq behind…now he wakes up each morning to work at the List Project, in order help more of our Iraqi allies make it through the labyrinthine process. Based in NY, he helps manage the cases alongside the incredible attorneys at Proskauer Rose LLP, who have committed thousands of pro bono hours to help the Iraqis on the List.

Finally, I’ve asked Dana Choi, an attorney at Holland + Knight LLP who has personally helped a great number of Iraqis make it to the U.S., and her son Sky, of List Kids fame, to start posting about their stellar contributions to this cause.

We’ll also be posting more regular updates on TLP’s progress, and commenting on developments in the plight of Iraqis who have helped us.

  • Published: 16 years ago on September 17, 2008
  • By:
  • Last Modified: September 17, 2008 @ 7:49 pm
  • Filed Under: Uncategorized

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