News: UNHCR cites conflicting reports on Iraqi return figures

A UNHCR press release issued on Friday, December 7 explores …

December 11, 2007  /  No Comments ››

News: Iraq Says It Can’t Handle Refugee Influx

While newspapers and magazines have been reporting encouraging stories about …

December 5, 2007  /  No Comments ››

News: US Falls Short of Refugees Goal

Officials from the State Department and the Department of Homeland …

November 1, 2007  /  No Comments ››

In Focus: Syria’s closed border

The closure of the Syrian/Iraqi border earlier this month is …

October 24, 2007  /  No Comments ››

News: Syria’s border closure hits Iraqi refugees

From Reuters: “SAIDA ZEINAB, Syria, Oct 18 (Reuters) – Suffering …

October 19, 2007  /  No Comments ››