Section 1244 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (Public Law 110-181), as modified by Public Law 110-242, authorized an allotment of up to 5,000 special immigrant visas for Iraqis for each fiscal year from 2008 through 2012. However, only 5,708 of the 25,000 authorized visas had been granted through June of this year, and Fiscal Year 2012 ends on September 30, 2012, less than three months from today.
Thankfully, a temporary safeguard for the remaining 19,292 slots was built into the authorizing legislation. Any authorized and unused numbers at the conclusion of Fiscal Year 2012 will carry over to Fiscal Year 2013. However, given the government’s sluggish pace at admitting these heroic Iraqis, it seems wholly impossible that the full allotment of special immigrant visas will be handed out by September 30, 2013. Congress must act, sooner rather than later, to demonstrate its continued dedication to America’s Iraqi allies. Waiting until the last minute to reauthorize the special immigrant visa will add more stress in an already too long and stressful application process. Our Iraqi allies have enough worries without also having to worry that a SIV application will not be completed before a looming end date to the program. Write your representative to share the need for reauthorization of the Special Immigrant Visa.
I salute your project, I heard good things about Mr. Kirk, however, from my point of view if the USG let down Iraqis worked for US Army, this will not be good for future US interests and it will give bad example, so the main impact will be on the USA rather than on the poor Iraqis worked for them. I worked for the USNGs since early May 2003 even before the TITAN operations started in Iraq and I got my pay directly from the US Army, I have a picture in which a whole US platoon hold a card board on which they wrote (thank you DOC) they used to call me DOC, because I helped them in hardest situations. I kept working for the US Army till June 2008 then I worked for a A British PSC conducting contracts for the USG/ US Army till June 2009. I cant get a recommendation letter from a US supervisor because as I said I left the US Army and I worked for the Brits. In fact I have tens of appreciation letters from the US Army but they not meet the criteria of the SIV to start the COM process, So I found my self trapped, I have 3 kids they are also trapped with me, so I applied for the USRAP via the IOM and the gave me a case number IZ- XXXXXX, and that was as early as Jan 2010, during 2011 I had 2 interviews the second one was with DHS, till now I am waiting for the security checks????? despite the fact that I had an Iraqi wide badge with yellow strip and you know what dose it mean???? the USG granted refugee admission to Iraqi whom didnt work for the USA and they dont like the USA while they dont admit us???? so is that fair??? not for me but is that fair for the USA best interests???? now if one day I got a bullet into my head and my kids will suffer from that the USG will be happy???? I have faith in your project but to be honest with you i know that nobody will replay to this comment. (for your notice Maan is not my real name as well as the email address above is min but it is not the usual one that I use regularly).
Sorry for bothering you with my story
[…] Alyaa. Yet, as of 2013, more than 18,000 of those visas remain unused according to estimates by The List Project, which has helped bring more than 1,500 U.S. affiliated Iraqis to safety since […]
[…] advocacy group, The List Project, says it this way: “Although the war is officially over for the American public, Iraqis who […]
Great post, hopefully the president / the government will extend this program, those who provided valuable and faithful service to the American government in Iraq and Afghanistan should not be abandoned.
The program is over, the Americans left us and fled again, is this a penalty, which worked with you honestly.
the Mercy closed doors ahead of us , I can not explain how I feel and my family too, after they manipulated us and left us alone to face death at the hands of dirty terrorists.
We defend them and say they are honest, but unfortunately their promises were hollow, and we were the dupes.
I worked with them sincerely and honestly, I faced many of the immediate risks and threats, our families were displaced, and deprived of seeing our children for very long periods.
All of this was for the purpose of the redemption of terrorism and terrorists, and the development of our country, and the challenges are great to the degree that I lost my house and my money, and my kids and my wife were traveling from one place to another to the extent that they are grown up away from me, and because of the change places they not have friends.
The first setback: The Americans left us and fled
The second setback: been busy with the immigration program, and after many long procedures and wait longer, the program ended and left us again.
Thank you America.
Thanks our friends,
I left Iraq since 2005 after the terrorists tried to assassinate me because i was working with the US marines, I have visited Iraq 2 times for two weeks, during the visit time i did not sleep and i did not go outside the house border, it is really horrible situation, i got married outside Iraq and till now my parents have not seen my kids, i m living out side iraq waiting the US government issue my visa, so i can start new life, i had interview since 2010 and till now i m waiting.
I m really regret that i destroyed my future and my family future.
Thanks America