‘Sponsorship Week’ has come to an end and TLP wanted to thank all of you for helping us make it so successful. The conference call on Tuesday was our most attended call yet, with well over 50 Netrooters participating across the country!
In keeping with the theme of this week, I will use this blog to reiterate some of the wonderful ideas we have heard and to review how each of us can help TLP’s sponsorship efforts.
As more of you join Netroots, The List Project Team hopes that you will email us so that we can make introductions between you and those Iraqis in your area. While there may not be resettled Iraqis in your state, there is still plenty that you can do for those in surrounding states. Many of the areas in which Iraqis need help can be done right from your home, including: writing letters to local/state leaders, calling companies in your area and asking for donations (or pharmacy gift cards, a free pay-as-you-go card, etc.), inviting your friends and family to join Netroots and helping us build the ‘cushion’ of community support. TLP has sample letters, so please email us and we will send them to you!
In the coming weeks, TLP will be adding to our ‘Resource’ section and we hope that you will take some time to go through the section and use it for your events, discussions or school meetings. Some Netroots members have offered to put together guides on expectations, cultural difference and on navigating the resettlement system (working with VOLAGs, etc.), these will also be added to our ‘Resource’ section in time. Please listen to the taped version of the conference call (available on the main page of Netroots) and check out the conference call agenda (a PDF file in TLP’s latest forum post).
TIPS for Sponsorship! We heard some ideas from Netroots members about how they were helping to welcome families and we thought these would be great TIPS for your Chapter, these included: calling state companies to provide fuel assistance (to help manage their bills in the winter months); calling rental agents and asking them to consult with their client about giving a discount to a recently resettled family; calling prospective employers and asking for an informational interview (so that an Iraqi can hear more about fields of interest and about what these companies are looking for); calling a local taxi company and offering to pay for emergency rides if the family in your area needs it; and assisting in essential matters, such as opening bank accounts, applying for a drivers license, getting a phone, connecting to the internet, etc. Please connect with other members and help each other make Netroots a success. Let TLP know how your Chapter has been helping those in your area!
Don’t forget…the Netroots Challenge has begun! Netroots members and TLP challenges your Chapter to raise more that $500 before Thanksgiving. The money raised will be given directly to a family in need through our emergency resettlement fund or it can be donated to one of the families in your area. The person what has raised the most money will win a flipcam and two runners-up will receive a free TLP t-shirt and bracelet. Please join us this holiday season in raising funds to welcome recently resettled Iraqis.
- Published: 16 years ago on October 31, 2008
- By: admin
- Last Modified: October 31, 2008 @ 9:01 am
- Filed Under: Uncategorized