I don’t even know what to say anymore. I can’t believe that we have dropped from being in the top 10 to being 45th and quite possible missing the goal of raising $4,000 by at least 50 unique donors. I am totally serious when I tell you I really thought we might have a chance at getting the $6000 bonus for raising the most money and having the most donors. It seemed like such a simple goal given the number of members we have on the various social networking sites. For those people who have already donated, I am extremely grateful to you for your support and contribution. For the rest of you, I am not too proud to beg. Please, think about whether there is any way that you can make a donation tonight. Time is running out. The minimum donation is $10 and every one counts. Here is the link to make the donation: http://www.globalgiving.com/projects/the-list-project-emergency-support-fund/

The picture above is one of the special kids that we send care packages to. I have had the privilege of meeting her and her family. Look at the joy on her face. Be a part of this great cause. Donate now. Please.


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