1005! 1005 what you might ask? 1005 pounds of books were shipped to my mom’s office from Penguin Books for The List Kids. In case you were wondering what 1005 pounds of books looks like, my mom took pictures with her cellphone. The books came packed in a large box on a pallet. It would not fit through the doors in my mom’s office so all the books had to be transferred out of the large box. Special thanks goes to Betty, Carlos, Luis and Georgino at Holland & Knight LLP. They helped unpack all the books from the large pallet and repacked them into smaller boxes —35 smaller boxes to be exact. [I was at school so I missed out on this event.] My mom told me that everyone who saw the books being unloaded commented on how amazed they were at the generousity of Penguin Books. I am too. There are books for young adults, soft books for babies, beginning readers, sticker books, books with CDs, Mad Libs, and books for kids of all ages in between. The next step will be taking the boxes from my mom’s office to my dad’s taekwondo school where we can spread them out, categorize them by reading levels and repack them accordingly. My dad is letting me store them at his work. Each month my cousins and I will take the list of kids that we make care packages for and pick out books to include in their care packages. We know the List Kids will really enjoy these books.

Thanks again to Penguin Books for their amazing generosity!


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